EIDA System configuration

Written by Jan Michalek

It might be convenient to create a sysop user on the server where SC3 will be installed. Most of the manuals are describing installation into /home/sysop/ folder.

SEISCOMP3 installation

There are 2 options how to get SC3:


Institution needs to have license files to be able to run programs in SC3. To obtain license follow instructions here: https://www.seiscomp3.org/license.html

Example installation of compiled version

For Ubuntu 14.04 32-bit:

Download: seiscomp3-seattle-2014.084.01-ubuntu14.04-i686.tar.gz
Download: seiscomp3-seattle-2014.084.01-doc.tar.gz
Download: seiscomp3-seattle-maps.tar.gz

In your home directory (in the example /home/sysop):

$ tar -xvfz seiscomp3-seattle-2014.084.01-ubuntu14.04-i686.tar.gz
$ tar -xvfz seiscomp3-seattle-2014.084.01-doc.tar.gz
$ tar -xvfz seiscomp3-seattle-maps.tar.gz

Your license key files must be installed in /home/sysyop/.seiscomp3/key/

Files: (License, License.key, License.signed)

Add to your .bashrc file:

export SEISCOMP_ROOT=/home/sysop/seiscomp3
export PATH=/home/sysop/seiscomp3/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/sysop/seiscomp3/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PYTHONPATH=/home/sysop/seiscomp3/lib/python:$PYTHONPATH
export MANPATH=/home/sysop/seiscomp3/share/man:$MANPATH
export LC_ALL=C

Open SEISCOMP3 online documentation, click Installation, and install what is listed under Install dependencies. Names of the packages can be slightly different.

Compiling SEISCOMP3 (example)

Follow instructions on GitHub: https://github.com/SeisComP3/seiscomp3/tree/c3597388ba0af8635a6818783cafcf493d0f0cce

Be sure to have all dependencies solved beforehand. For Ubuntu 16.04:

$ sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev pkg-config python-m2crypto libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev libxml2-dev libboost-all-dev mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev

Copy source code:

$ git clone https://github.com/SeisComP3/seiscomp3.git sc3-src
$ cd sc3-src

Change to latest release, e.g.:

$ git checkout release/jakarta/2017.334.05

Configure and prepare the build:

$ make -f Makefile.cvs
$ # Press “c”, “c” and “g”
$ cd build
$ # This step can take ~25 minutes
$ make
$ make install

If you haven’t changed path via -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/dir parameter then the compiled version is copied directly to ~/seiscomp3/.

SEISCOMP3 configuration

Next step is to configure SC3. Be sure you have your MySQL root password, then run following:

$ seiscomp setup

Fill in the values appropriately, or keep default values.

Agency ID []:
Datacenter ID []:
Organization string []:
Enable database storage [yes]:
0) mysql

* MySQL server.

1) postgresql

*  Postgresql server. There is currently no support in setup to create the database for you. You have to setup the database and user accounts on your own. The database schema is installed under share/db/postgresql.sql.  Note that the database encoding should be UTF8 and that you need to set the encoding to 'escape' for PostgreSQL >= 9, e.g. "ALTER DATABASE seiscomp3 SET bytea_output TO 'escape';"

Database backend [0]:
Create database [yes]:
MYSQL root password (input not echoed) []:
Drop existing database [no]:
Database name [seiscomp3]:
Database hostname [localhost]:
Database read-write user [sysop]:
Database read-write password [sysop]:
Database public hostname [localhost]:
Database read-only user [sysop]:
Database read-only password [sysop]:

Finish setup


P) Proceed to apply configuration
B) Back to last parameter
Q) Quit without changes
Command? [P]:
Running setup
* setup kernel
* setup scmaster
+ Create MYSQL database
 + Found MYSQL server version 5.5.37-0ubuntu0.14.04.1
 + Drop database seiscomp3
 + Create database seiscomp3
 + Setup user roles
 + Create tables
* setup trunk

Enable modules

From command line enabled seedlink:

$ seiscomp enable seedlink [scautopick scautoloc scamp scmag scevent]
$ seiscomp start

Start the graphical configuration tool:

$ seiscomp exec scconfig


$ scconfig

Networks and Stations configuration

  • Start scconfig

  • Go to “Inventory” and press “Import”

  • Select “dslv” and browse to find your SEED station response file(s)

  • Press “Test sync”

  • Press “Sync”

  • Press “Sync keys”

  • Save config

Bindings configuration

enter Bindings
Your network should be visible under Networks and in the window below

GLOBAL profile

GLOBAL profile is needed for some other modules to be working (scrttv, scmv, …)

add global profile: GLOBAL
double-click on GLOBAL
enter HHZ on detectStream
do save


add scautopick profile SCAUTOPICK
double click on SCAUTOPICK
change filter to 2.0-8.0
do save
Drag profiles SLINK [+ GLOBAL + SCAUTOPIC] to network on the left
enter System
Update configuration

Monitoring windows

Now open new terminal and run e.g. scrttv, scmv or scolv

Location configuration

Extracts from SC3


$ scart -dsvE -t '2015-07-18 00:00~2015-07-18 23:00' ~/seiscomp3/var/lib/archive > sorted.mseed


$ scart -dsvE -l list.txt ~/seiscomp3/var/lib/archive > sorted.mseed

$ cat list.txt
2015-07-20 07:50;2015-07-20 07:58;CX.PB02.*.*
2015-07-20 07:50;2015-07-20 07:58;CX.PB01.*.*
2015-07-20 07:50;2015-07-20 07:58;CX.PB04..BHZ

Extract n minutes from eventid: gfz2015nzbb and create mseed file redable from SEISAN

scevtstreams -E gfz2015nzbb -d mysql://sysop:sysop@localhost/seiscomp3 -L 0 -m 300 | scart -dsvE --list - ~/seiscomp3/var/lib/archive > gfz2015nzbb-sorted.mseed

Extract inventory from database ( must be interpreted to find lat, lon, height, response etc

scxmldump -I -d  mysql://sysop:sysop@localhost/seiscomp3 -o inventory.xml


To enable streams in scrttv:

  • In scconfig GUI go to Modules -> GUI -> scrttv

  • modify streams -> codes

  • change from “default” to * (wild card for all)


Problem: Stations displayed but as black, i.e. no amplitude values.
Solution: Edit global binding profile.
detecStream: HHZ (I tried “HH” and “HH*” before but it didn’t work)
detecLocid: 00
Ctrl+S, Update configuration


Module scqc must be enabled and global binding profile applied to networks. It uses the same profile configuration as by SCMV.
EDIT: Configuration of scqc module can be modified to be independent on global binding profile:
Uncheck scqc.useConfiguredStreams

ISSUE: conflict SCMV configuration with SCRTTV

Global binding profile is required by SCMV module (to see stations in colors in GUI). However setting up this profile restricts streams in SCRTTV to those streams in global binding profile (attributes: detecStream, detecLocid). Using multiple streams in global binding profile does not work (e.g. BHZ, HHZ; or ?HZ).
Partial solution for SCRTTV: Modules -> GUI -> scrttv -> streams: ..*.?H?
Then channels become visible.

Configure FDSN web services in your SC3

Open scconfig

$ scconfig

Click on the “Modules” icon and go to the “global” module.Look for the “database” section and complete the following:


Press Ctrl+S to save the configuration.Go to the “fdsnws” module in the tree on the left. Then, go to the “global” section and the “recordstream” subsection and complete with the following:


Press Ctrl+S to save the configuration.Click to the “System” icon, click on “Update configuration” and restart SeisComP3

Excluding stations from FDSNWS

done via filter file; e.g.: /home/sysop/seiscomp3/etc/fdsnws_filter.ini
Add path to your filter file to Modules -> fdsnws -> “stationFilter” and “dataSelectFilter”
use full-path; $SEISCOMP_ROOT/etc/fdsnws_filter.ini does not work
Exclude rules must be defined BEFORE include rules, otherwise exclude rules are not applied
Content of FDSNWS inventory can be checked as follows:
in scconfig go to Modules -> fdsnws -> check the “debugFilter” ON (Ctrl+S; Update configuration)
turn off fdsnws in System

From command line run:

fdsnws --debug

As this starts it writes down all streams and whether they are included or not | Stop fdsnws in command line (Ctrl+C) | Disable the “debugFilter” (Ctrl+S; Update configuration) | Restart FDSNWS module in System

Make test query to FDSN:

curl -X GET "localhost:8080/fdsnws/station/1/query?sta=*"