Focus Section on European Seismic Networks and Associated Services and Products
ORFEUS promoted a Focus Section (FS) of Seismological Research Letters (SRL) on “European Seismic Networks and Associated Services and Products”. The FS is published as part of SSRL Volume 92(3): An overview of the contents is given in the “Preface” by Cauzzi et al.
We encourage you to look first at the many interesting papers submitted by the seismic networks and observatories that constitute the core of observational seismology in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
Please also note the coordination papers on the “European Integrated Data Archive” by Strollo et al., and on the “European Strong-Motion Services” by Lanzano et al. And do not miss the discussion on “Large Data in Seismology” by Quinteros et al.
The whole list of papers included in the Focus Section is pasted below. Enjoy the reading!
ORFEUS papers and international collaborations
Cauzzi, C., S. Custódio, C. P. Evangelidis, G. Lanzano, L. Luzi, L. Ottemöller, H. Pedersen, and R. Sleeman (2021). Preface to the Focus Section on European Seismic Networks and Associated Services and Products, Seismol. Res. Lett., https://doi:10.1785/0220210055
Strollo, A., D. Cambaz, J. Clinton, P. Danecek, C. P. Evangelidis, A. Marmureanu, L. Ottemöller, H. Pedersen, R. Sleeman, K. Stammler, et al. (2021). EIDA: The European Integrated Data Archive and Service Infrastructure within ORFEUS, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Lanzano, G., L. Luzi, C. Cauzzi, J. Bienkowski, D. Bindi, J. Clinton, M. Cocco, M. D’Amico, J. Douglas, L. Faenza, et al. (2021). Accessing European Strong‐Motion Data: An Update on ORFEUS Coordinated Services, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Quinteros, J., J. A. Carter, J. Schaeffer, C. Trabant, and H. A. Pedersen (2021b). Exploring Approaches for Large Data in Seismology: User and Data Repository Perspectives, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
EIDA nodes
Cambaz, M. D., M. Özer, Y. Güneş, T. Ergün, Z. Öğütcü, S. Altuncu‐Poyraz, A. Köseoğlu, F. Turhan, M. Yilmazer, K. Kekovali, et al. (2021). Evolution of the Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute (KOERI) Seismic Network and the Data Center Facilities as a Primary Node of EIDA, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Danecek, P., S. Pintore, S. Mazza, A. Mandiello, M. Fares, I. Carluccio, E. Della Bina, D. Franceschi, M. Moretti, V. Lauciani, et al. (2021). The Italian Node of the European Integrated Data Archive, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Evangelidis, C. P., N. Triantafyllis, M. Samios, K. Boukouras, K. Kontakos, O. Ktenidou, I. Fountoulakis, I. Kalogeras, N. S. Melis, O. Galanis, et al. (2021). Seismic Waveform Data from Greece and Cyprus: Integration, Archival, and Open Access, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Mărmureanu, A., C. Ionescu, B. Grecu, D. Toma‐Danila, A. Tiganescu, C. Neagoe, V. Toader, I. Craifaleanu, C. S. Dragomir, V. Meiţă, et al. (2021). From National to Transnational Seismic Monitoring Products and Services in the Republic of Bulgaria, Republic of Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Ottemöller, L., J. Michalek, J. Christensen, U. Baadshaug, F. Halpaap, Ø. Natvik, T. Kværna, and V. Oye (2021). UiB‐NORSAR EIDA Node: Integration of Seismological Data in Norway, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Péquegnat, C., J. Schaeffer, C. Satriano, H. Pedersen, J. Touvier, J. Saurel, M. Calvet, L. Stehly, P. Arnoul, P. Bollard, et al. (2021). RÉSIF‐SI: A Distributed Information System for French Seismological Data, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Quinteros, J., A. Strollo, P. L. Evans, W. Hanka, A. Heinloo, S. Hemmleb, L. Hillmann, K. Jaeckel, R. Kind, J. Saul, et al. (2021a). The GEOFON Program in 2020, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Stammler, K., M. Bischoff, A. Brüstle, L. Ceranna, S. Donner, K. Fischer, P. Gaebler, W. Friederich, S. Funke, G. Hartmann, et al. (2021). German Seismic and Infrasound Networks Contributing to the European Integrated Data Archive (EIDA), Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Other networks and temporary deployments
Bragato, P. L., P. Comelli, A. Saraò, D. Zuliani, L. Moratto, V. Poggi, G. Rossi, C. Scaini, M. Sugan, C. Barnaba, et al. (2021). The OGS–Northeastern Italy Seismic and Deformation Network: Current Status and Outlook, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Carrilho, F., S. Custódio, M. Bezzeghoud, C. S. Oliveira, C. Marreiros, D. Vales, P. Alves, A. Pena, G. Madureira, M. Escuer, et al. (2021). The Portuguese National Seismic Network—Products and Services, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Galea, P., M. R. Agius, G. Bozionelos, S. D’Amico, and D. Farrugia (2021). A First National Seismic Network for the Maltese Islands—The Malta Seismic Network, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Heit, B., L. Cristiano, C. Haberland, F. Tilmann, D. Pesaresi, Y. Jia, H. Hausmann, S. Hemmleb, M. Haxter, T. Zieke, et al. (2021). The SWATH‐D Seismological Network in the Eastern Alps, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Lenhardt, W. A., D. Pesaresi, M. Živčić, G. Costa, T. Fiket, I. Bondár, L. Duni, P. Spacek, L. Dimitrova, C. Neagoe, et al. (2021). Improving Cross‐Border Seismic Research: The Central and Eastern Europe Earthquake Research Network (CE3RN), Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Lund, B., P. Schmidt, Z. Hossein Shomali, and M. Roth (2021). The Modern Swedish National Seismic Network: Two Decades of Intraplate Microseismic Observation, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Mader, S., and J. R. R. Ritter (2021). The StressTransfer Seismic Network—An Experiment to Monitor Seismically Active Fault Zones in the Northern Alpine Foreland of Southwestern Germany, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Rudziński, Ł., S. Lasocki, B. Orlecka‐Sikora, J. Wiszniowski, D. Olszewska, J. Kokowski, and J. Mirek (2021). Integrating Data under the European Plate Observing System from the Regional and Selected Local Seismic Networks in Poland, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Schweitzer, J., A. Köhler, and J. M. Christensen (2021). Development of the NORSAR Network over the Last 50 Yr, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Veikkolainen, T., J. Kortström, T. Vuorinen, I. Salmenperä, T. Luhta, P. Mäntyniemi, G. Hillers, and T. Tiira (2021). The Finnish National Seismic Network: Toward Fully Automated Analysis of Low‐Magnitude Seismic Events, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Other monitoring and research products
Amato, A., A. Avallone, R. Basili, F. Bernardi, B. Brizuela, L. Graziani, A. Herrero, M. C. Lorenzino, S. Lorito, F. M. Mele, et al. (2021). From Seismic Monitoring to Tsunami Warning in the Mediterranean Sea, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Bono, A., V. Lauciani, L. Margheriti, and M. Quintiliani (2021). Caravel: A New Earthworm‐Based Open‐Source Development for the Italian Seismic Monitoring System, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Büyükakpınar, P., M. Aktar, G. Maria Petersen, and A. Köseoğlu (2021). Orientations of Broadband Stations of the KOERI Seismic Network (Türkiye) from Two Independent Methods: P‐ and Rayleigh‐Wave Polarization, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Margheriti, L., C. Nostro, O. Cocina, M. Castellano, M. Moretti, V. Lauciani, M. Quintiliani, A. Bono, F. M. Mele, S. Pintore, et al. (2021). Seismic Surveillance and Earthquake Monitoring in Italy, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Masson, F., S. Auclair, D. Bertil, M. Grunberg, B. Hernandez, S. Lambotte, G. Mazet‐Roux, L. Provost, J. Saurel, A. Schlupp, et al. (2021). The Transversal Seismicity Action RESIF: A Tool to Improve the Distribution of the French Seismicity Products, Seismol. Res. Lett.,
Spallarossa, D., M. Picozzi, D. Scafidi, P. Morasca, C. Turino, and D. Bindi (2021). The RAMONES Service for Rapid Assessment of Seismic Moment and Radiated Energy in Central Italy: Concepts, Capabilities, and Future Perspectives, Seismol. Res. Lett.,