The latest version of the ORFEUS Bylaws is available here:
Members of the ORFEUS Board of Directors (BoD):
Prof. A. Kiratzi (Chair; Greece, EPPO)
Dr. N. Horn (Austria, ZAMG / GeoSphere)
Dr. T. Lecocq (Belgium, ORB)
Prof. A. Mordret (Denmark, GEUS)
Prof. G. Hillers (Finland, Uni. Helsinki)
Dr. C. Satriano (France, CNRS-IPGP)
Prof. F. Tilmann (Co-Chair, Germany, GFZ)
Dr. A. Michelini (Italy, INGV)
Dr. E. Ruigrok (Netherlands, KNMI)
Prof. L. Ottemöller (Norway, NNSN)
Dr. F. Carrilho (Portugal, IPMA)
Dr. C. Ionescu (Romania, NIEP)
Dr. J. V. Cantavella Nadal (Spain, IGN)
Prof. S. Wiemer (Switzerland, ETHZ)
Dr. B. Lund (Sweden, SNSN)
Prof. N. M. Özel (Türkiye, KOERI)
Prof. O. Tatar (Türkiye, AFAD)
Dr. B. Baptie (United Kingdom, BGS/NERC)
Dr. R. Bossu for the EMSC (by right)
Dr. A. Oth for the ESC (by right)
Dr. D. Storchak for the ISC (by right)
Dr. L. Danciu for EFEHR (by right)
Members of the ORFEUS Executive Committee (ExeCom):
Dr. A. Strollo (President, Germany, GFZ)
Dr. Z. Roumelioti (Vice-President, Greece, University of Patras)
Prof. K. Sigloch (France, CNRS Géoazur)
Dr. S. D’Amico (Malta, UM)
Ex Officio
Dr. W. Crawford (MP, France, IPGP/INSU)
Schaeffer (IDG-ETC, France, ISTerre)
Dr. C. Haberland (MP, Germany, GFZ/GIPP)
Dr. C. Evangelidis (EMB, Greece, NOA)
Luzi (Italy, SM, INGV)
Dr. J. Clinton (SM, Switzerland, SED-ETHZ)
Sleeman (Netherlands, ODC-KNMI)
Dr. P. Kolínský (Czech Republic, UAG, IG-CAS)
ORFEUS Secretary General
Dr. C. Cauzzi (Switzerland, SED-ETHZ)
Members of the EIDA SMC Management Board
Dr. C. Evangelidis (Chair; Greece, NOA)
Dr. D. Cambaz (Co-Chair, KOERI)
Dr. H. Pedersen (France, RESIF)
Dr. A. Strollo (Germany, GFZ)
Dr. K. Stammler (Germany, BGR)
Dr. P. Danecek (Italy, INGV)
Sleeman (Netherlands, ODC - KNMI)
Prof. L. Ottemöller (Norway, UiB-NORSAR)
Dr. A. Marmureanu (Romania, NIEP)
Dr. J. Clinton (Switzerland, SED@ETHZ)
Dr. B. Baptie (United Kingdom, BGS/NERC)
Members of the SM SMC Management Board
Dr. J. Clinton (Co-Chair, Switzerland, SED@ETHZ-CH)
Luzi (Co-Chair, Italy, INGV-IV & ESM) & Dr. G. Lanzano - ESM
Sleeman (Netherlands, ODC-KNMI & RRSM)
Dr. A. Michelini & Dr. C. Cauzzi - Dr. J. Clinton (Peak-Motions and ShakeMaps)
Dr. E Maufroy (France, RESIF-RA)
Dr. G. Weatherill (Germany, GFZ-GEOFON)
Dr. O-J Ktenidou & Dr. N. Melis (Greece, NOA)
Dr. E. Riga & Prof. K. Pitilakis (Greece, AUTH)
Dr. N. Theodoulidis (Greece, ITSAK)
Prof. R. Rupakhety (Iceland. EERC)
Dr. M. Shahvar (Iran, BHRC)
Dr. A. Marmureanu (Romania, NIEP-RO)
Dr. Martina Čarman (Slovenia, ARSO-SL)
Prof. E. Çaktı / Dr. D. Kalafat (Türkiye, KOERI-TU)
Dr. E. Tepeuğur / Dr. D. Senturk / Dr. T. Kilic / Dr. S. Sezer (Türkiye, AFAD)
Members of the MP SMC Management Board
Dr. Christian Haberland (Co-Chair, Germany, GFZ/GIPP)
Dr. Wayne Crawford (Co-Chair, France, IPGP/INSU)
Dr. Florent Brenguier (Frances, SisMob)
Dr. Victoria Lane (UK, SeisUK)
Dr. Jordi Diaz (Spain, LabSis)
Observer: Prof. G. Hillers (Finland, FLEX-EPOS)
Members of the User Advisory Group (UAG)
Dr. P. Kolínský (Chair, Czech Republic, IG-CAS)
Prof. S. Rondenay (Norway, UiB)
Dr. D. Bindi (Germany, GFZ)
Dr. L. Vecsey (Czech Republic, IG-CAS)
Dr. A. Schlömer (Germany, LMU)
Dr. V. Poggi (Italy, OGS)
Dr. D. Stanko (Croatia, Uni. Zagreb)
Mr. F. Eckel (Germany, Uni. Kiel)
Members of the Board of Participants
National Academy of Sciences; Republican Seismic Survey Center of Azerbaijan
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; National Institute of Geophysics
University of Zagreb; Department of Geophysics
Charles University in Prague; Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Czech Academy of Sciences; Institute of Geophysics
University of Hamburg; Institute of Geophysics
Black Forest Observatory
Munich University; Geophysical Observatory; Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources; Central Seismological Observatory; Geocenter Hannover
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Geophysical Institute
Ruhr University Bochum; Institute of Geology
University of Leipzig
Westfälische-Wilhelms University Münster; Institute for Geophysics
Goethe University Frankfurt
University of Potsdam; Institute of Geosciences
Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel; Institute for Geosciences
National Observatory of Athens; Institute of Geodynamics
University of Athens; Seismology
Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science, Kovesligethy Rado Seismological Observatory
Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies
Geophysical institute of Israel
Israeli NDC
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS
University of Trieste; Department of Earth Sciences
University of Malta; Geosciences
University of Utrecht; Seismology
North Macedonia Seismological Observatory
Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Geophysics
University of Lisbon; Faculty of Sciencies
Instituto Superior Tecnico in Lisbon
Serbian Seismological Survey
Earth Science Institute; Slovak Academy of Sciences
Slovenian Environmental Agency ARSO
Spanish National Geographical Institute
Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalunya
University of Barcelona; Faculty of Geology; Department of Geodynamics and Geophysics
Complutense University Madrid
Spanish Royal Observatory of the Army
University of Leicester; School of Geography - SEIS UK
University of Edinburgh; School of GeoSciences
AWE Blacknest
University College London
Institute of Hydrometeorology and Seismology of Montenegro
(Note: French seismological institutions are represented by CNRS in the BoD)
Members of the Infrastructure Development Group (IDG) – EIDA component
Bienkowski, (Chair), L. Trani - ODC-KNMI
Schaeffer (Co-Chair), RESIF
Quinteros, A. Heinloo, Dr. Peter Evans - GFZ
Hoffmann, E. O. Muhire - BGR
Heimers, P. Kästli – SED@ETHZ
Fares, V. Lauciani, M. Quintiliani – INGV
Ozer - KOERI
Dr. C. Neagoe, L. Palangeanu - NIEP
Boukouras - NOA
Dr. J. Michalek - UiB-NORSAR
Schlömer - LMU
Dr. J. A. Jara Salvador - ICGC
Dr J. A. Stevenson, Dr. R. Luckett, T. Joseph - BGS
Members of the Infrastructure Development Group (IDG) – SM Component
Dr. C. Felicetta, E. Russo – INGV
Bienkowski - ODC@KNMI
Kästli - SED-ETHZ
Senturk and T. Kiliç – AFAD
Dr. D. Cambaz - KOERI
Jianu - NIEP
Dr. G. Weatherill - GFZ
Dr. N. Melis - NOA
Konstantinidou – ITSAK
ORFEUS representatives in the EPOS Seismology Consortium Assembly
Dr. A. Strollo
Dr. C. Cauzzi