ORFEUS Software Development Grants

ORFEUS established a Software Development Fund in 2021. A Call for Applications opens every spring. Software grants are awarded for the development, consolidation, implementation of relevant software to ease the management of, access to, and processing of data and metadata integrated in the ORFEUS EIDA (European Integrated Data Archive) and Strong-Motion programs. This also includes: processing tools tailored to new quality metrics; software libraries that can be used centrally as well as by external clients; software useful to prepare the ORFEUS infrastructure to deal with new data types and communities.

Call 2021: https://polybox.ethz.ch/index.php/s/hWq2ycAcBJcO5MUv. The recipients of the 2021 ORFEUS Software Development Grants are as follows:

Call 2022: https://polybox.ethz.ch/index.php/s/4LE7FgYRwwHpVxS. The recipients of the 2022 ORFEUS Software Development Grants are as follows:

  • Johannes Stampa (CAU-KIEL) - project “Data Availability Monitoring Tools

  • Claudia Mascandola (INGV-MI) - project “ESMpro

Call 2023: https://polybox.ethz.ch/index.php/s/nbBVMrClRE0caN9. The recipients of the 2023 ORFEUS Software Development Grants are as follows:

  • Maria Tsekhmistrenko (UCL) - project “SubMachine consolidation and transition to ORFEUS